Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pic will have to do.

It has been almost a month again since I have blogged but I promise to be a better blogger now that we are all moved into our new house. Well we arent all moved in as I am taking my time to organzie and unpack (trying to get discard of stuff that we really dont need)

August was a busy month for us all working on the house all the time but we went to a wedding, went to the cabin with the family and then finally spent our first night as a family of four in our home on August 31st.

Cooper is growing and learning new things almost everday.
  • He is fully rolling over from his back to his tummy and almost back to his back.
  • He is eating rice cereal- well oatmeal and loving it
  • Talking all the time to us and making the funniest noises
  • Ryan has dicovered that Cooper likes to be tickled, espicially on his feet
  • He loves sleeping with his sheepy (a blanket his oma made him)
  • teething right now :(
  • Loves to be in his Johnny Jump up
  • Loves his Mommy and Daddy & of course Holland

*Family Picture taken at a family friends wedding 08/09

*Loves to play with his feet and put them in his mouth-diaper changing is always a fun time
*Cooper likes us to read to him-and I just love watching them together

*He really likes to go for rides and is constantly looking outside

*At the cabin

*Cabin time for Oma's bday
*First time eating rice cereal and he loved it

*Hard at work with his OG

*First bath in the new sink of the house

*He loves his Johnny Jump up


*Husky Game with our friends-Cooper got to stay at home with his OG and Uncle James.

So I dont have many photos up of the house yet but here is just a two of them I had on my phone

I will post pictures of the house this week for everyone to see...even though its not completely done yet- Well the decorating isnt.